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Rural production cooperatives boost agricultural production

On the advent of Iran  National Government Week, Shirzad, deputy Minister of Agriculture-Jahad and CEO of CORC, provided a summary of CORC activities on rural production cooperatives.

 According to PAT (Information center of CORC), Shirzad elaborated the measures of the central union of rural production cooperatives(CURPC) in providing services to farmers. Development and empowerment of 110 cooperatives in the rural areas of Khozestan province amounting 295thousand hectares, development of drainage and irrigation systems, development of a system for management of boundary waters to enhance water resources productivity are of the most significant measures of CURPC.

Meanwhile, he also noted that the contract farming is being implemented for industrial crops, including sugarbeet and potato in farms amounting 4000 hectares.

Stating the role-playing of CURPC in production of improved seeds of vegetables and potato in farms amounting 30 hectares,  Shirzad reminded the importance of improved potato seed production for food technology.

"by the development of technical committee for plant nutrition in 2018 by CURPC and in cooperation with international advisers and signing MOU with "National Farmers House", the whole farming operation in the cooperatives would be modernized", he said.

"Aiming to execute the technical operations of the rural production with  a focus on dam establishment as well as new irrigation systems, the water and soil company was developed by CURPC", the official added.    

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